I. fáze
30min orbitrack
Shyby 3x6-8
Stahování kladky 4x8-10
Veslování 3x8/65
Přítahy jč k pasu 3x8/37,5
Mrtvý tah s jč 3x10/37,5
Extenze 4x10
30min orbitrack
15min stepper
Bicepsový zdvih s vč 4x8/35
Kladiva 3x8/15
Scotova lavice s jč 3x10/10
I. fáze
30min orbitrack
Shyby 3x6-8
Stahování kladky 4x8-10
Veslování 3x8/65
Přítahy jč k pasu 3x8/37,5
Mrtvý tah s jč 3x10/37,5
Extenze 4x10
30min orbitrack
15min stepper
Bicepsový zdvih s vč 4x8/35
Kladiva 3x8/15
Scotova lavice s jč 3x10/10
At 5:34 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hello Kat!!!!
You can post tips for abs???
At 11:03 PM ,
Rhys said...
Hi Kate,
As it's my first time here on your blog i wanted to say what a nice priviledge it is to post my first response. I have been following your career now for about 6 months.
I am so proud of everything you have accomplished in such a short time. You have added a lot of awesome content to your web site, all while working extremely hard to improve your physique. The changes I have seen in your body over that time are unbelievable. You have put on size, while improving your symetry... WOW! Your imporvements are nothing short of spectacular, and I believe the future will be even more amazing ;)! You define what a female bodybuilder should be. Beauty, femininity and MUSCLE all in a truly amazing woman with genuine qualities not found in many people.
Keep up the GREAT work and have a lovely weekend!
Best wishes,
At 11:29 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Ahoj Katko, četl jsem, že jsi uvažovala o černých vlasech. Myslím, že v kombinaci k Tvým očím a opálené pleti by byly černé vlasy fakt bomba a byla bys ještě zajímavější, než jsi teď. Měj se Tráva.
At 1:01 PM ,
Lentilka said...
vidíš, vidíš co jsem říkala?
At 1:55 PM ,
Anonymous said...
At 2:19 PM ,
Lentilka said...
není a nezlob :o)
At 2:47 PM ,
Anonymous said...
"blbost Morfeus" - super příspěvek
At 10:37 PM ,
Anonymous said...
já to vidím jinak,ale nezbývá nic než to vyzkoušet.Kačko do toho.
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