For everybody!!!!i am so sorry...but definitely i am finishing compete in women bb.....its been a long and hard way..i loved and still love it!!..but its time change something..thx for your support and everything and hope that you guys will stay keep in touch with me...for ever...
of course i will continue to train for myself...nobody will stop me!we are preparing news videos and me guys i am here for ever!i wanna be your mentor for ever!!!!keep it up!!
you can follow my tranformation to fitness girl on my website....i believe that is my next step in my life!new beginning!
of course i will continue to train for myself...nobody will stop me!we are preparing news videos and me guys i am here for ever!i wanna be your mentor for ever!!!!keep it up!!
you can follow my tranformation to fitness girl on my website....i believe that is my next step in my life!new beginning!
At 4:36 AM ,
Francis said...
Sorry to hear about that Kate. Good luck with your next endeavor.
At 8:01 AM ,
Reason said...
Any chance you will try to transition to the Physique division like so many Pros are doing this year or are you talking about leaving the industry altogether?
At 1:22 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I just want to thank you for caring so much for your fans, being such a inspirational person, posting so many great photos as well as videos and wish you all the best for the future! You are a super beautiful woman and you will always be a super beautiful woman!
“May the dreams of your past be the reality of your future”
At 10:20 AM ,
Anonymous said...
.. telo, postava, fyzično, svaly v Tvojej tvári všetko je jeden celok ktorý by mal súladit s pocitami v Tvojej duši.. všetko je vidiet v Tvojom pohlade.. viac sa raduj s maličkosti a miluj každý svalík na svojom tele rovnako. Venuj sa aj svalíkom čo robia úsmev, vášen ,rozkoš,nevinnost a úprimnost v Tvojom pohlade na druhých. Trénuj Kačko a mysli na krásu úsmevu ktorý nikdy nepominie.
At 7:18 PM ,
Anonymous said...
This is very sad. If you are not big, muscular, and full of drugs, I don't know if you will be so exotic and sexy anymore. And I never got to meet you in person. :-(
At 9:59 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Why be sorry, it's your life! Do what you want!
At 11:20 PM ,
Anonymous said...
You look like a goddess. Now you want to look normal... :(
Sad. You are perfect the way you are. Sooo sexy!
At 2:49 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Fabiola Boulanger to je kus krásne-namakanaj baby. Máš čo dobiehat,tak tam nespi Káčatko.
At 10:20 AM ,
Anonymous said...
....,vidím krásnu slečnu,peknú babenku ktorá na posledných fotkách fakt aktívne maká, verím že Ti to naozaj vydrží Kačenko .... prajem Ti vela nadšených fanúšikou.
At 4:29 PM ,
John said...
No apollogy needed. I am your fan forever no matter what. I support your decision 100%. You are so beautiful and inspirational. You will be a top notch competitor without a doubt! Keep us fans posted on how you are doing, ok? And please, keep posting the super SEXY pics & videos!!!
At 3:26 PM ,
Luis 3iguel said...
Well i sad ear that but i´m happy you still working and watch you in videos and pics more bigger with out limitations of the rules of IFBB
At 3:26 PM ,
Luis 3iguel said...
Well i sad ear that but i´m happy you still working and watch you in videos and pics more bigger with out limitations of the rules of IFBB
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